He was born on 2 October in Orci.
The family moves to Kaposvár, to Berzsenyi Street.
He graduates from Kaposvár State High School, attends law school in Budapest and the Mintarajziskola. He studied painting at the private school of Pál Vágó.

Trained as a reserve officer. In Munich, he attends the painting school of Simon Hollósy for 4 months.

He studies at the Munich Academy of Painting for six months. He goes to the Julian Academy in Paris. Graduates after three years.

Exhibited at the Paris Salon. After his studies at the academy, he lived in Munich for a year and painted "Job" (1895).

Finishes his law studies. He appears at the Millennium Exhibition in Budapest.

In France, he paints on the coast of Brittany. He created one of his major works, "On the Brittany Coast", in a modern Art Nouveau style.

He rents a studio in Budapest. Successfully exhibits at the Kunsthalle.

He marries Ella Tiller, a pianist. They move to Paris.

His son was born. They live in Paris for 12 years with summer visits home.

He organises exhibitions of French contemporary artists in Budapest. From 1903 he is elected a jury member of the Salon d' Automne.

He is awarded the French Legion of Honour. He receives a 1000-acre estate in Somogytúr from his father. Paints on his estate in the summer. His village life and gypsy-themed pictures are a success in Paris.

In 1907
was the main work of the Somogyturri child burial. The painting was exhibited in the Great Salon in Paris.

In 1909
built his studio in Somogytur.

The Kunffy family is granted nobility.

Exhibition in Paris at the Georges Petit Gallery. Moves home. Travels in North Africa.

He sets up home in Budapest.

Friendship with Oszkár Jászi, relationship with Mihály Károlyi.

He exhibits in Budapest at the National Salon. He will be vice president of the Fine Arts Association.

He is a ministerial commissioner for cultural diplomacy in Serbia and Romania.

He moves permanently to Somogytúr.
The artist and his wife are taken to the Jewish ghetto in Tabi. He is deprived of his property. He is released on his artistic merits.
His home in Somogytur is ransacked. They nationalize his property. He is exempted from the persecution of landowners.

In 1949 and 1952
In Kaposvár he exhibits independently.

In 1953
In Budapest, he organised an exhibition with Oszkár Glatz at the Ernst Museum. His art is accepted by the authorities.

In 1956
had a solo exhibition at the Rippl-Rónai Museum in Kaposvár.

His studio in Somogytur is inaugurated as the Kunffy Gallery.

In 1959
was awarded the "Labour Medal".

in 1960
was awarded the "Artist of Merit" award. The last major exhibition of his life was at the Ernst Museum, also in 1960.

died in Kaposvár, Hungary, on 12 March.

From 1979
the Kunffy Lajos Memorial Museum, a noble mansion and studio in Somogytur.
In 2006
the mansion and the studio have been renovated and the artworks restored.

The Memorial Museum is under the care of the Kunffy Lajos Memorial Museum Nonprofit Kft. The property complex has undergone extensive renovation and the exhibition has been reorganized (curator: Kornélia Pap-Simon, Rippl-Rónai Museum, Kaposvár.) Modern artifact lighting (UNISOL Ltd.) and museum information technology (touch screen information panels, audio guide) have been developed.